Class Project
Each student is required to create a 'blog' around an approved theme (approved theme, such as: my hometown; my sports team; conflict in iraq; a country; etc. Note: Be passionate about your theme!) Please e-mail your theme idea to alex 'at' udel 'dot' edu You are advised to use as your blog platform as it is free, easy and hosted.
Each team member is required to subscribe to each team members' blogs, and this blog (via a news aggregator: bloglines). (You must use bloglines for this part of the project.
Thus each blog needs an RSS feed. For those blogs created by blogger, and therefore on the blogspot domain, the URL of the feed will be in the format: (for example, this class' feed is
Each team member is required to 'comment' 10 times throughout the semester on each team members' blog entries. Comments are to be thoughtful responses to the entries posted by the blogger. Each blog must contain at least one new entry per week (although you are not limited to only one entry of course). Each blogger is also responsible for responding to the comments posted by classmates (and others who may comment).
There will be certain 'design' criteria for each blog, i.e. link to each
team members' blog, link to other other theme-related blogs etc. These 'assignments' will be articulated using this blog, with updated entries titled: Blog Project: X (where X is replaced with a relevant title such as Make all your H2 tags green).
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